Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)
At Waterloo Primary Academy, PSHE and Relationships Education is an essential part of our pupils’ education as it enables them to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to become informed, healthy, active, independent and responsible citizens.
We encourage pupils to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and community.
By taking part in curricular and extra-curricular activities, our children learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning.
As part of their learning journey, the children are given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and supported to understand how they are developing personally and socially. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues are seen to be an important part of this process.
Relationships Education
At Waterloo Primary Academy, we understand the importance of our children forging positive relationships and we acknowledge the important role that positive relationships have to play in an individual’s emotional and mental well-being. Children learn about different types of relationships such as friendships and families and they learn to identify people who can he and support them. Our children learn key skills such as being kind, respectful to others, the importance of honesty and telling the truth and they gain an understanding of personal privacy. Our pupils are taught about appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical contact.
The importance of positive relationships online is also seen as being an important part of our children’s understanding of healthy and safe relationships. This includes teaching the children how information and data is shared and used in all contexts.
At Waterloo, we appreciate that families of many forms provide a nurturing environment for children. In teaching about families, we understand the need to ensure that no child feels stigmatised as a result of the support structure around them. This ensures the curriculum is accessible to all pupils, regardless of their background.
At Waterloo, we encourage our pupils to be resilient and we instil in them the ability to persevere in order to achieve. There are so many roles at Waterloo which encourage our children to actively assist in the running of the school, giving them a sense of social responsibility.
Our relationships education programme supports the safeguarding of our children s we teach them that they have rights over their own bodies. We ensure that children understand that they need to report any concerns they may have and we ensure that they know hoe to seek advice when they suspect, or know something is wrong.
Sex Education
Our programme of sex education complements what the children are already taught in science, such as the main external body parts, the human body as it grows from birth to old age (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals.
Specific sex education lessons for our Y6 pupils are delivered using age-appropriate resources and with the assistance of our school nurse and pastoral team.
Our boys and girls are taught together during these sessions, but the opportunity for single-sex breakout groups exists as and when appropriate. The content of these sessions prepares the children for the changes that adolescence brings and builds on their understanding of the human life cycle (how a baby is conceived and born) in our science programme of study.
Parents are given the opportunity to view the material and resources we use and raise any questions with the SLT and Year 6 teachers prior to the lessons taking place.
How PSHE and Relationships Education is taught at
Waterloo Primary Academy
All key areas of the Early Years PSED curriculum are covered in creative and innovative ways within the Early Years 3D PSHE programme. Modern British Values are embedded, both implicitly and explicitly within the teaching resources that we use, so that, from a very early age, children are being taught the importance of tolerance, democracy, respect and rules and responsibilities.
The areas that we cover:
It’s All About… Taking Part!
Encouraging young children to participate and be actively involved in home, school and community life at an individual, group and class level, understanding how to behave appropriately in different situations.
It’s All About… Being Smart!
Encouraging young children to think carefully, to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others, to recognise and have confidence in their own abilities and talents and to know how to manage personal hygiene, as well as keeping healthy and safe, linked to behaviour and potential consequences.
It’s All About… Where to Start!
Encouraging young children to be confident, to show initiative in a range of different situations and settings and to develop strategies for how to solve problems and resolve conflicts.
It’s All About… Having Heart!
Encouraging young children to show sensitivity and compassion towards others, to manage their feelings, to develop positive, caring and respectful relationships with both children and adults and to cooperate and share willingly
Through a variety of teaching strategies i.e. stories, role play, songs, games and research our children learn all about keeping themselves healthy and safe as well as feelings and emotions, kindness and friendship, similarities and differences, sharing and turn taking as well as e-safety and anti-bullying.
PSHE in KS1 and KS2 is taught in four main ways:
*through designated curriculum time
*through teaching in other subjects/curriculum areas
*through enrichment activities and other school events
*through pastoral care & guidance and collective worship
The school follows the Dimensions 3D PSHE programme of study for PSHE and Relationships Education.
3D PSHE is a social and emotional skills programme which covers all aspects of the suggested PSHE and Relationships Education curriculum.
We cover the following areas:
*health & wellbeing
*living in the wider world
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Skills Ladders
PSHE Knowledge Matrix
PSHE Knowledge Matrix
PSHE Knowledge Matrix
Welcome to Waterloo Primary Academy
We hope you enjoy browsing our website, if there’s something you would like to ask, please contact us, we’re always happy to talk!