Zest Academy Trust
Waterloo Primary Academy is part of Zest Academy Trust
Waterloo is the founding school in Zest and is a ‘convertor academy’, which means it converted of its own accord (as opposed to gaining an academy order from the DfE). This conversion took place in 2012. In 2016, a multi academy trust (MAT) was established, this is called Zest. Zest Academy Trust is governed by a group of Trustees and Members. Waterloo still has its own ‘local’ governing body, known as the Academy Council. Certain decisions are made at Academy Council level, some are made at Trust level by Zest Trustees.
An academy is free from local authority control, (schools under LA control are known as ‘maintained’ schools). We have freedoms with our curriculum, conditions of employment, school holidays etc and we are financed in a different way to maintained or foundation schools (those maintained by a Church of England or Catholic diocese).
If you would like to know more about Zest Academy Trust, visit the Zest website by clicking the image above. If you are a school that is interested in converting to become an academy or wish to work with Zest, then please get in touch via Waterloo Primary Academy.
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