Waterloo Primary Academy has a uniform which is worn by all children. We request your co-operation in making sure that your child comes to school in full uniform.
In September 2020 we launched our brand new look and our brand new uniform. Our new uniform is modern, versatile and is able to be ‘mixed and matched’ to suit all budgets. Our new uniform is available from two suppliers in Blackpool. Details of our new uniform and new look for Waterloo can be found in the letter below:
Autumn / Spring Term Uniform
‘Waterloo tartan’ pinafore dress/pleated skirt or grey pleated skirt with grey tights/socks
Grey/charcoal trousers
White polo shirt (can be branded or plain)
Waterloo cardigan or jumper
Smart black shoes (flat)
Small gold or silver stud earrings
Summer Uniform
Grey/charcoal trousers or trouser shorts
White polo shirt / maroon or red gingham dress with white socks
Waterloo cardigan or jumper
Smart black shoes (flat)
Small gold or silver stud earrings
Sports Uniform
(children should come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE day/s)
Waterloo tracksuit with quarter zip top
Waterloo sports tee-shirt and shorts (or skort)
No earrings
Hair must be tied back for PE
No extreme hairstyles (tramlines, mohicans etc.)
No dyed hair (even temporary colours)
Hair which is long enough to touch the shoulders must be tied back neatly
No ‘Jojo’ style hair bands/bows. Hair bands/bobbles should be in the school colours or black.
No jewellery may be worn in school except for one pair of stud earrings and a sensible watch.
Earrings and the watch must be removed for all physical activities. Newly pierced ears may be taped for the first 6 weeks until they heal. The school cannot supply the tape nor will school staff be expected to apply it.
Children going swimming will be told by the swimming instructors about suitable costumes (trunks and one-piece costumes).
Bermuda/fashion shorts are unacceptable.
Long hair needs to be covered by a cap.
Permission must be gained by the pool before a child can wear goggles.
Welcome to Waterloo Primary Academy
We hope you enjoy browsing our website, if there’s something you would like to ask, please contact us, we’re always happy to talk!