Religious Education (RE)
At Waterloo Primary Academy, we follow Lancashire’s Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2021):
Searching For Meaning
What does it mean to be human?
This revised syllabus is the legal basis for Religious Education in Lancashire. It is ambitious for all pupils and outlines the curriculum intent and methods of implementation that will enable all pupils to achieve well and attain high level outcomes by the end of each Key Stage.
The syllabus aims to support pupils’ personal search for meaning as they explore what it means to be human. It continues to follow the Lancashire Field of Enquiry model, but also specifies knowledge and skills which build towards clear goals at the end of each key stage.
This ensures that the curriculum is progressive, clearly sequenced and suitably ambitious. The syllabus also includes specific advice on effective methods of teaching and assessment. The aim is for teachers to develop the disciplinary knowledge needed to implement the curriculum effectively so that it has a positive impact on pupil achievement.
Each unit of work includes the following four elements:
Shared human experience – the nature of being human
Living religious tradition – principal religious traditions encountered in the world
Beliefs and values – the theology that lies at the heart of these traditions
The search for personal meaning – a lifelong quest for understanding
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