

The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s articles of association.


As charity trustees, they must also ensure that they are complying with charity law requirements. Zest Academy Trust is a charitable company and the Trustees are company directors and must comply with company law requirements. The duties are largely the same as those of a governor of a maintained school, such as regularly attending meetings, managing conflicts of interest, seeking advice from the academy’s leadership team and ensuring the academy has appropriate procedures in place for reporting financial information.

Governance Structure

Strategic Growth

Zest Academy Trust is defined by values of Innovation, development, learning and challenge.  The Academy Trust provides a strong foundation from which our academies can nurture and grow.
Zest Academy Trust:

  • Is ambitious, optimistic and forward thinking

  • Will share expertise and experience and collaboratively supports professional development

  • Has a constant focus on teaching learning and assessment in order to raise standards

  • Will lead, manage and coach staff who will help to build a thriving trust

This strategic plan outlines goals and targets of the Trust for the next three years.  This plan:

  • Defines the vision of the Trust

  • Defines the Trust’s strategic objectives

  • Defines a growth strategy

  • Defines Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure success

  • Defines risk management

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