Harvest Festival in Support of Street Angels
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomAs you already know, at Waterloo, we believe it is important to teach our children to help others. Next week is Harvest Festival and we will be marking this important occasion with a special assembly and a non-uniform and harvest donation day (next Friday, 6th October). This year, we are proud to once again be supporting Street Angels with our harvest collection. Street Angels is a Blackpool-based charity which supports extremely vulnerable people in our local area. We would like to invite the children to wear non-uniform next Friday in return for a donation. Street Angels have politely requested the following [...]
School Photographs
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomOn Monday 9th October, Tempest will be taking individual and sibling group photographs in school. Nursery children, who do not normally attend Nursery on Mondays, are invited to come into school after lunch to have their photographs taken. More details to follow nearer the time.
Remembrance Day
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomOn Friday 10th November, we will be marking Remembrance Day in school. Poppies will be on sale in school throughout the first week back. A minimum donation of 20p per poppy is requested. All the money raised, will go towards helping The Royal British Legion to support the Armed Forces community. Thank you so much in advance of your generosity.
Christmas Dinners
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomChristmas dinner day is always lots of fun and a real highlight of the season. All children who normally have a school lunch, will automatically be included in the school Christmas dinner numbers. If your child normally brings a packed lunch, but you have returned the slip to say that they would like a one-off school dinner, they will also be included. If your child normally brings a packed lunch and they have not opted for a school Christmas dinner, they will need to bring a packed lunch from home as normal. Please note, the Nursery lunch is only for children [...]
The Big Little Nativity (Oak class)
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomThe Big Little Nativity (Cherry class)
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomThe Big Little Nativity (Willow class)
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomNursery Sing-a-long
Waterloo Primary Academy Waterloo Road, Blackpool, United KingdomThe children and staff in Nursery are looking forward to sharing their Christmas sing-a-long with parents and carers on Wednesday 13th December at 2:30pm. The sing-a-long is open to all Nursery children and their families, even if they do not normally attend Nursery on a Wednesday.